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I thought the rib-eating, face-wiping scene in Red Museum might be enough to entice me to watch, but not this time.

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It doesn’t exist for me even in a “complete” rewatch. *This is one of two “never watch” episodes. I considered skipping Young at Heart, but then Mulder goes and winks at Scully near the end and I couldn’t miss that. I can manage them on a complete rewatch, but there’s really nothing that I look forward to about them. When I finished my rewatch I looked at the list as a whole, and I was surprised by some of the results. I chatted with some friends as I was building my list, kept them updated season by season, and gave them a chance to talk me out of skipping certain episodes. Sometimes the episode is too important within the context of the season to skip, even if I don’t particularly enjoy it. Sometimes all it takes is a single line, or look, or touch. If they could give me a reason why the episode was worth watching, I did. If I got to an episode I wasn’t sure about I asked for input from friends. I made the list as I was going along, not beforehand, so some episodes are on the list just because I didn’t feel like watching them at that moment, while I would happily watch them another time. Not all of these are episodes I never want to watch, although some are. I decided to create a list of “Episodes I Just Don’t Want to Watch.” Following my last complete rewatch I started watching again from the beginning (because of course I did), but I knew there were some episodes I’d want to skip. Sometimes I’ll do a theme rewatch, but I have trouble sticking to it and often find myself watching additional off topic episodes. Usually I start at the beginning and watch sequentially, although occasionally I’ll bounce around as the mood strikes me. I am constantly in the middle of some sort of rewatch. The X-Files is my favorite show of all time.

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