Act of valor cast
Act of valor cast

The SEAls who portray the team’s leader and second-in-command are charismatic and talented enough non-actors to be watchable, and heaven knows there are plenty of full-time actors who have built multi-million dollar careers on more stilted performances. The clunkiness is to be both expected and forgiven though, and it is easily overlooked. It’s exhilarating at first, but the running gun battles eventually become repetitive, and since so little has been invested into developing the characters, there’s a limited feeling of jeopardy. It makes for chaotic and impersonal viewing that often plays like Call of Duty: The Motion Picture. The focus is, of course, on the action sequences, of which there are plenty, largely shot from a first-person POV and/or with a shaky handheld camera in a bid for immediacy.

act of valor cast

The plot extends no farther than that, though it is dressed by a brief glimpse of the soldiers’ family life between deployments. This eventually puts them on the trail of a smuggler named Christo (Alex Veadov) who’s working with an Islamic radical (Jason Cottle) planning on sneaking 16 suicide bombers across the Mexican border and into strategic locations across the United States.


The movie centers on SEAL Team 7 (the men portraying them are unidentified in the credits, supposedly to protect their identities), sent to rescue a kidnapped CIA asset from a South American cartel in the films first - and best - action sequence. The results are mixed Act of Valor still plays like a standard action/war movie from the good ol’ days of 1980s and ’90s: thin on plot but long on pyrotechnics, though with an intriguing hook and, well, some really, really good pyrotechnics. Vaught won’t be pleased by Act of Valor, seeing as how the main cast is composed of eight active duty SEALs, a move made by stuntmen-turned-directors Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh to put the audience “in the boots” of American soldiers and add a layer of authenticity to what might ostensibly have been just another war movie. James Vaught recently advised the special forces community to “get the hell out of the media” before they undermine their low profile. The SEALs have become media darlings, to the extent that retired Delta Force commander Lt.

act of valor cast

The theatrical release of Act of Valor couldn’t have been timed better, arriving as it does on the heels of some high-profile special forces missions that reached a crescendo with last year’s elimination of Osama bin Laden courtesy of SEAL Team 6.

Act of valor cast